About us

Saee Clinic is the best Clinic is the best way of Skin Hair Beauty cases are some perfectly simple and easy to distinguish free hour

Welcome to Saee Clinic

Incredible &
Relaxiable Clinic Shape

We have more than 15 years of Exprience with 100% client Satisfaction

Saee Clinic is the best Clinic is the best way of Skin Hair Beauty cases are some perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour,power can help you for a relaxation and fresh mind with great enjoy take an example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical satisfaction


Our Client’s Expression

Saee Clinic is the best Clinic is the best way of Skin Hair Beauty cases are some perfectly simple and easy to distinguish free hour


I used to suffer from hair loss and dandruff. treatment given by Dr. Satyavati Madam alleviated all my troubles. Their treatments are very effective. Their clinic and staff are very good and cooperative . 5 Star treatment with low cost.

Gauri Vangad


Nice clinic for all types of skin, hair, obesity & cosmetic treatment. I am completely satisfied with the treatment. Great Services, Hygienic. Most important that I notice that service charges are very reliable.

Mamta Patil


माझे केस विरळ झाले होते, व त्यांची वाढ होत नव्हती मी म्यॅडमान ची भेट घेतली तेव्हा त्यांनी मला P.R.P ट्रीटमेंट करायला सांगितले व मी त्यांच्या कडून ती करून घेतली मला त्याचा चांगला रिजल्ट मिळाला. धन्यवाद !!! म्यॅडम

Hiraman Chande


डॉक्टर खूप अनुभवी आहेत आणि खूप को ऑपेराटीव्ह आहेत . खूप चांगल्या पद्धतीने मार्गदर्शन करतात, हा माझा वैयत्तिक अनुभव आहे.

Rupali Sonawane


I love the fact that Sai Skin Clinic offers not just services but complete solutions. I went to Sai Skin Clinic for pimples removal treatment. Overall the texture of my skin has improved a lot. It appears clearer, even-toned, and brighter and also feels softer.

Pritamsinh Nanaware


One of favorite my aap. Saee Clinic is the best Clinic. They serve best service for us and I am very much so satisfy with them is the best way of skin cases perfectly simple and easy

kiran Nipurte


मैं पिछले चार साल से सोरायसिस की बिमारी से पीडित हूँ ! कई डॉक्टरो से मैंने संपर्क कि और बहुत दिनो इलाज चलने के बावजुद आराम नही मिला ! फिर इसके बाद किसी ने डॉ. सत्यवती गांजवे - सपाटे के बारे मे बताया । फिर मैंने इनसे संपर्क कि और सुरवाती एक महिने में मुझे ८० % आराम मिला । मैं इनका बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद करती हूँ इनके वजह से मैं आज बहुत आराम महसूस करती हूँ ।

रुचि यादव


Thanks Dr.Satyavati Ganjave-Sapate. I was suffering from severe hair fall and had a bald spot in the middle of scalp. I took PRP treatment at Saee Clinic and the result is not only visible but fabulous. The hair is growing although it was my maiden sitting. And I am sure that I will turn 20 with thick and silky hair. I am really thankful to Dr.Satyavati Ganjave


Saee Clinic

Our Certificates Shape

Saee Clinic is the best Clinic is the best way of Skin Hair Beauty cases are some perfectly simple and easy to distinguish free hour
